What can you do with the API?
The GovX Verification API is designed to allow you to create and edit campaigns under your listing. Campaigns can be used to create multiple unique experiences under a single parent listing. For example, if you are a registration or ticketing platform, you can use campaigns to create custom verification experiences for clients using your platform. You can read more about campaigns here.
Specifically, the API allows you to:
You can set and edit the following campaign elements: |
Security and Authorization
All requests are authorized using a bearer token. Unauthorized requests will receive an Unauthorized or Forbidden response code.
Issuing a new Bearer Token
Use the following steps to issue a new bearer token. Note that when issuing a bearer token, all pre-existing tokens will be invalidated. Bearer tokens should be kept secret, GovX does not have a way to re-issue a pre-existing token as these are signed using a one-way hash and the tokens themselves are not stored by GovX.
- Login to https://partners.govx.com
- Go to your listing settings
- Navigate to the "Deploy" tab.
- Select "Credentials" on the left navigation.
- Click "Create New Bearer" under "Bearer Token"
- This will display a pop-up modal with instructions for creating the token. Click "Create" and then copy the newly generated token.
Using the token in API requests.
Pass your bearer token using request header:
Authorization: Bearer {token}
GET Campaign
Retrieves a specific campaign.
GET /api/auth/campaigns/:id
Field | Description |
id | The ID of the campaign |
Sample response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"id": 1001,
"listingId": 101,
"name": "My Campaign",
"ui": {
"template": {
"header": {
"logoHeight": 90,
"logoAlignment": "center",
"logoImage": {
"url": "https://www.govx.com/{PATH}"
"logoOrientation": "portrait"
"messaging": {
"welcomeMessage": "My Welcome Message"
"occupationGroups": [
"key": "military",
"showInRegistration": true
"key": "first-responders",
"showInRegistration": false
"occupations": [
"occupationId": 2,
"showInRegistration": true
"occupationId": 201,
"showInRegistration": true
POST Campaign
Creates a new campaign.
POST api/auth/campaigns
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "My Campaign",
"ui": {
"template": {
"header": {
"logoHeight": 90,
"logoAlignment": "center",
"logoImage": {
"encoded": "data:{MIME_TYPE};base64,{BASE64}"
"logoOrientation": "portrait"
"messaging": {
"welcomeMessage": "My Welcome Message"
"occupationGroups": [
"key": "military",
"showInRegistration": true
"key": "first-responders",
"showInRegistration": false
Field | Type | Description |
campaign | Campaign | The body should contain a campaign object. |
PUT Campaign
Updates a campaign, when passing fields for an update, you only need to pass in the fields that you want updated, the system will mantain previous settings and only override the passed in fields.
PUT /api/auth/campaigns/:id
Field | Type | Description |
campaign | Campaign | The body should contain a campaign object with the id defined. |
PUT api/auth/campaigns/22
Content-Type: application/json
"id": 22,
"name": "My Campaign",
"ui": {
"messaging": {
"welcomeMessage": "My Welcome Message"
"occupationGroups": [
"key": "military",
"showInRegistration": true
"key": "first-responders",
"showInRegistration": false
Response Status Codes
The following table contains common response codes from our system.
Status | Code | Description |
200 | OK | The request was successful. This will typically contain a response body. |
201 | Created | Used for POST. Contains the URI of the campaign in the header. |
400 | Bad Request | An error occurred. When possible, the response will contain a list of error messages. |
401 | Unauthorized | The request was not authorized. |
403 | Forbidden | You do not have access to the resource. |
404 | Not Found | The resource could not be found. |
The campaign model acts as a container for all campaign information, this is returned in GET requests.
Field | Type | Description |
ID | int | A unique ID for a campaign. This is used in both GET and PUT requests for targetting a specific campaign. |
ListingId | int | The listing ID that owns the campaign. You will only have access to campaigns identified by your listing. |
Name | string | The name of the campaign. Using unique campaign names can help identify the campaign. |
ui | UI | Encapsulates the UI settings for the campaign. |
occupationGroups | OccupationGroup[] | An array of occupation groups that determines which occupations are available for this campaign. |
occupations | Occupation[] | An array of occupations that determine which occupations are available for this campaign. |
A note on occupations and occupations groups: Only one of the two should be used with a single campaign. Occupation groups are used to target a pre-determined list of occupations on GovX. This makes it easier to manage which occupations are allowed, and the occupations in the groups are maintained by GovX. If you want more granular control of permissions, then use occupations.
Manages different aspects of the header in the front-end UI.
Field | Type | Description |
logoHeight | int | Sets the height (px) allocated for the header logo. This should range between 30 and 150 px for optimal display. |
logoAlignment | string | Aligns the logo in the header (left, center, right). |
logoImageUrl | string | The path to the image once uploaded to GovX servers. |
logoImage | Image | Used to set the image in the header. |
logoOrientation | string | Defines the orientation of the logo image (portrait, landscape). This will automatically be detected based on the uploaded image. |
The image model is used for uploading an image for a campaign and also for displaying details about the image. The API supports multiple image types as defined below.
Base64 Encoded Image
The Base64 encoded image is used for uploading images using a single encoded string in the format: "data:{MIME_TYPE};base64,{BASE64}"
Field | Type | Description |
encoded | string | Base64 string for image using a data URL format. |
Base64 Image
The Base64 image allows uploading an image using the fields split out.
Field | Type | Description |
base64Data | string | The image data base64 encoded. |
mimeType | string | Mime-type for the given image. |
URL Image
The URL image is used in responses only. This will contain the URI where the image is hosted on GovX.
Field | Type | Description |
url | string | URI of the image resource. |
Manages the messages seen by the customer when authorizing on the front-end.
Field | Type | Description |
welcomeMessage | string | Text that will be displayed on the registration landing page for end-users. Max 200 characters including spaces. |
Allows granular selection of occupations that should be eligible for verification. To see the full list of occupations supported by GovX, please reference this list.
Field | Type | Description |
occupationId | int | ID of occupation. |
showInRegistration | bool | If false, the occupation will pass verification but not be displayed in the UI. If true, the occupation will be displayed as an eligible option in the UI. |
Occupation Group
An occupation group represents a list of occupations that are managed by GovX. Using occupation groups in your campaigns simplifies your set up. Simply target at the group level (i.e. Military) and let GovX manage the settings of all child occupations under the group (i.e. Military/Army/Veteran, etc). Using occupation groups ensures your campaigns are always up-to-date with our latest occupation taxonomy.
Field | Type | Description |
key | string | The key of the occupation group. See below for full list. |
showInRegistration | bool | Always pass true for this field. This feature will be deprecated in an upcoming release. |
Occupation Group Keys
Key | Description |
military | Military members (Air Force, Air National Guard, Army, Army National Guard, Coast Guard, Marines, Navy) |
military-family | Family members of military members, including spouses and dependents. |
other-govt | Includes government employees and their family members. |
teacher |
Teachers and staff (K-12 and University) |
law-enforcement |
Federal, state and local law enforcement officials |
medical |
EMTs, nurses and hospital physicians |
fire |
Full-time and volunteer fire fighters |
first-responders | Includes Law Enforcement, Medical and Fire. |
Manages different areas and components on the front-end UI.
Field | Type | Description |
header | Header | UI header settings. |
The UI model contains different settings for controlling what the end-user will see on the front-end.
Field | Type | Description |
template | Template | Controls the display settings for the UI. |
messaging | Messaging | Controls messages for the UI. |
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