This article covers how to update your products' inventory by sending a CSV file to our FTP server. Order integration via CSV is covered in a separate document here.
An example inventory CSV file:
Getting Started
Step 1 | Obtaining an FTP Account
Before connecting to the GOVX FTP server, the GOVX Integrations Support team ( will provide you your login credentials.
Step 2 | Inventory Update Frequency
GOVX requires weekly inventory updates at a minimum. If higher order volumes or shallow inventory levels result in a significant number of order cancellations, GOVX may require you update your inventory more frequently.
The GOVX system processes your inventory folder hourly, so if products suddenly go out of stock, you can upload a file with zero quantity for the affected SKUs so that the products are taken off the site.
Step 3 | Coordinate Product Codes
Notify the Integrations Manager whether you will be sending SKU or UPC to identify your products.
Step 4 | Connecting to the FTP Server with Filezilla
The FTP service is publicly available using the following host:
You can also utilize SFTP by connecting to
You can connect using an FTP client like Filezilla, which can be downloaded here: Filezilla Download
In the top-left corner of the Filezilla program, you will want to press on the "Site Manager" as show below:
A new window should appear for the Site Manager. Here you will want to click on the "New site" button and enter your host, username, and password. Press the "Connect" button when you are ready. You will want to use SFTP preferably, but we also allow standard FTP protocol as shown below.
If the connection is successful, you should see an "inventory/" folder on the right panel. You can drag and drop your inventory file on the left panel (your computer) over to the folder on the right panel (GovX FTP server)
Step 5 | Testing
Before launching, GOVX must receive and validate your inventory file. The integrations manager will notify you when the file has been validated and uploaded successfully. Files that follow the below format will always pass validation.
Important Scenarios
1. Product is Discontinued
If a product is discontinued, you will need to email with the SKUs/products that need to be unpublished from the site.
2. Product goes Out-of-Stock
If a product suddenly goes out-of-stock, you can have the product removed from the store temporarily by sending us an inventory update file with the affected SKUs showing a quantity of zero.
3. All My products are not showing on the site!
Our system removes products from the site if it sees that the product has zero inventory. This can happen if the inventory file you send is formatted incorrectly (ex. not a csv file, sending SKU instead of UPC, qty column before SKU column, etc.) Make sure that the next file you send is formatted correctly and upload to the FTP. Your products will reappear on the site within 2 hours.
Inventory Data Dictionary
You will be required to send all your products' inventory regardless of quantities have changed. Inventory files with only 1 or 2 rows will fail to process.
Field Name | Type | Len Max | Description | Format/Value |
ItemNumber | CHAR | 30 | SKU or UPC | ALPHANUMERIC |
Quantity | NUMBER | 21 | Item Quantity | NUMBERIC |
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